Legislative Update
Janice Lanier JD RN
Liaison Public Policy Committee
Lame Duck, Log Rolling & Christmas Trees
Once the results of the November General Election were in, eyes turned to what’s going to happen when the newly elected lawmakers take office in January. That’s true for Congress in Washington and for the state legislature in most states. However, before the members of the new General Assembly (the 136th) are sworn in, the outgoing members have until the end of 2024 to finish up their pending business. The rush to close out the current general assembly has led to a flurry of activity that is not over yet. Keeping track of all the developments is not for the faint of heart.
Many bills that have been lingering in various standing committees in both the house and senate face a deadline. If they do not complete the legislative process before the house and senate adjourn sine die, the bills must be reintroduced and begin the entire process anew.
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